Tag: Uncategorized

My transition from academia to SAS

I am passionate about teaching.  My colleagues would probably say this is the understatement of the year.  And it likely has something to do with the fact that both of my parents were teachers. I started my teaching career at the university level and…

Survey Results—Beyond the Questionnaire*

When you read survey findings, such as these: More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones. Paranormal experts say people reach the peak of their ability to see ghosts when they’re 7 years old. Chocolate manufacturers use 40 percent of the world’s a…

A beginner’s tutorial on … line plots

Do you know (right off the top of your head) the simple SAS/GRAPH code you would use to create line graphs? … If not, then this tutorial is for you! A line plot is basically a scatter plot where the markers are connected. A line plot should only be u…

A beginner’s tutorial on … scatter plots

Scatter plots are probably the simplest kind of graph, and provide a great way to visually look for relationships between two variables.  But, do you know (right off the top of your head) the simple SAS/GRAPH code you would use to create them? … Thi…

SAS Tech Talk: What’s new in the SAS programming language?

In SAS 9.4, the SAS programming language continues add new features by the truckload. I’ve already discussed PROC DELETE (which is actually an old feature, but like an 80s hit song it’s now back with a better version). In this SAS Tech Talk video from SAS Global Forum 2013, I […]

SAS Customer Service: Our pledge to help

Back in the early days of college, I had a friend who was pledging a fraternity. He had always talked about joining a frat, but never really knew what it entailed to become a part of the “brotherhood.” Once he decided to go Greek, he started rushin…

Alternative Method for Accessing SAS Framework Data Server Content

Back in 2011, I wrote about the all new SAS Framework Data Server in 9.3 and how it needs to be running for certain web applications to function properly. But it is actually used as the data storage device for multiple SAS components including webdav c…