Password encryption

Many a times we come across a situation where we may need to encrypt the password which we use in the SAS programs (Example: Using a password to access a database like db2). This can be acheived by the pwencode procedure. See the example below:filename…

Label variable with special character

Create delta in the report and label:ods escapechar=’^’;ods rtf file=’temp.rtf’; *** Can be HTML or PDF too;proc report data=sashelp.class nowd ps=40; &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp col age new; &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp define new / format=$30. ;/* for the RTF */&nbsp &n…

SAS Nerd: Guest Blog by Kirk Lafler

One of my favorite presentations at the recent Western Users of SAS Software conference was presented by Kirk Lafler of Software Intelligence Corporation.  He has graciously agreed to allow me to share his paper “You Could Be a SAS Nerd If…” on this site.  Here are a few of my favorite parts from his paper: […]