Tag: data visualization

Automatically extracting key information from textual data

There is tremendous value buried text sources such as call center and chat dialogues, survey comments, product reviews, technical notes, legal contracts… How can we extract the signal we want amidst all the noise?

Automatically extracting key information from textual data was published on SAS Users.

Using Custom Coordinates for map creation in SAS Visual Analytics

In this post, we continue our discussion of geography variables, the foundation of Visual Analytics Geo maps. This time we will look at Custom Coordinates.  As with any statistical graph, understanding your data is key.  But when using Custom Coordinates for geographic maps, this understanding becomes even more important. Use […]

Using Custom Coordinates for map creation in SAS Visual Analytics was published on SAS Users.

Embed scalable graphics using the ODS HTML5 destination

Beginning with SAS® 9.4, you can embed graphics output within HTML output using the ODS HTML5 destination. This technique works with SAS/GRAPH® procedures (such as GPLOT and GCHART), SG procedures (such as SGPLOT and SGRENDER), and when you create graphics output with ODS Graphics enabled. Most (if not all) existing […]

Embed scalable graphics using the ODS HTML5 destination was published on SAS Users.

Fundamentals of SAS Visual Analytics geo maps

Creating a map with SAS Visual Analytics begins with the geographic variable. This blog post explains the first type of geography variable that VA supports: predefined. Future posts will cover the other two types of geography variables in VA: custom coordinates and custom polygons.

Fundamentals of SAS Visual Analytics geo maps was published on SAS Users.

Seven Interesting Data Storytelling Examples

When I am trying to learn a new skill or develop thinking around a subject, such as data storytelling, I find examples of others work helpful. The trick to reviewing work is thinking about what is effective, not what is good or bad. Sometimes I learn m…

My 7 Favorite Features in SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 on Viya

In December 2017, SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 was recently released along with some fantastic functionality. Here’s the seven features that I find useful.

1 – Autosave and Auto Recovery

I’ve made the mistake of walking away from a browser se…

Designing Dashboards: Finding the Fantastic Five Colors

Color may have the most impact on your design. People react strongly to color either through culture values or personal choices. As with fonts, color is another element of style. And just like fonts, colors communicate meaning as well. [Read: Understan…