Tag: R

Trends in the Analytics Job Market

Tracking the job market for statistics, analytics, data mining and the like used to be a major undertaking. However, on November 10, 2011 the world’s largest web site for job postings, Indeed.com, released a tool that allows you to examine trends … Continue reading

Calculate RMSE and MAE in R and SAS

Here is code to calculate RMSE and MAE in R and SAS. RMSE (root mean squared error), also called RMSD (root mean squared deviation), and MAE (mean absolute error) are both used to evaluate models. MAE gives equal weight to all errors, while RMSE gives…

Use doParallel for rolling regression in R

Rolling regression for a large data set costs lots of resources. There are a few strategies to speed up this process. For example, in R, there is a rollapply function in the dynlm package. In SAS, PROC FCMP is one of the…

The US airports with most flight routes

The summer just begins and a lot of people start to experience flight delay. I am also interested in seeing which cites in the US are well connected by flights. The OpenFlights project provides free flight information. Then I used R to d…

Webinar: Managing Data with R

Before you can analyze data, it must be in the right form. Join Revolution Analytics and me this June 21st for a 4-hour webinar that shows how to perform the most commonly used data management tasks in R. We will work through … Continue reading